Notation 3 Isolation Residency + Online Publication Project March – July  2020


Change of plans.

Contingency plan.

The best laid plans…

Plan B.

2020 is the year of plan B.

Shelter in place.

All bets are off.

(Excerpt from Notation 3 Open Studio – Online Publication)

In March 2020, two months prior to the planned exhibition of my site-specific work, Notation 3, COVID-19 restrictions hit Melbourne and BLINDSIDE Gallery closed.  In response, I embarked upon what was to become a five-month process, transforming the exhibition of this site-specific work into an isolation residency book-ended by two online publications; Notation 3 Open Studio and Isolation Residency.

Marking time and space during a period of profound global change, this project’s central action has passed.  The online publications remain, however, as a somewhat paradoxical testament to impermanence.

Access Notation 3 Open Studio and Isolation Residency by clicking the image below…